Proper Planning

The owners of Walla Walla Vintners recognized the need to install a system that could adequately handle their wine production wastewater to safely and responsibly discharge to a leach field.

Finding A Solution

Hearing about the BioBarrier System on a nearby installation, the owners decided to reach out to BioMicrobics for a design consultation with their engineer.

A Properly Sized Yet Nearly Invisible Treatment System For High Strength Waste

Meticulous planning by the owner and engineer around wine production capacity and permit requirements resulted in a consultation with BioMicrobics about a properly sized solution. The site plan yielded an optimal placement of an underground, 22,000 gallon HDPE tank to the house BioBarrier HSMBR Winery Wastewater Treatment System. The 3,000 GPD system capacity meets the peak production loading with ease, and the system has the ability to turn down capacity for off-season use. The result is a high-performance, nearly invisible treatment system that vastly exceeds the performance requirements for safe disposal.